Arthur's letters - May 1916


Arthur 16

Same address

19th May 1916

Dear Mother and Father,

Just a line to let you no I am going on alright up to the present. Hoping you are all keeping the same.

I have got Frankie’s photo and I think he does look well – it's the dead Image of him. He is as fat as a little pig.

I hope Fred doesn't come out to France anymore. I know he is about fed up with it as it is something awful.

We have been having some beauterful weather lately – that's one good thing.

I am sending you a photo of me in a tip cart along a ruined road. You will have a job to no it's me. But [I how] I can pick it out by my horse and there is nobody else along there only 6 of us. No sooner some of them see the paper they said it's Horsnell with the old tip cart – that’s his old horse. Anyway that's how we pick out so quick.

I haven't anymore news to tell you just now so goodbye.

Love from your son,


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