Fred 109
70 Cpl F Horsnell MM
Hut S4
Brigade School of Signalling
17th February 1918
My Dear Sister,
Now for a line in answer to your most welcome letter. Glad to hear that you are all keeping fit and well. I have still got a rotten cold.
I sent your letter to Dora so she will write to you. Her sister is going to be bridesmaid too, so you will have your wish and not be alone. It will not be long now. I have just written to Arthur, so thought I would let you have a line. Will your Tom be there?
Well Dot it’s good of you thinking of giving us such a nice present. But it will cost a lot. It's just what we can do with.
Well don't you think Father will give Dora away? If he still doesn't like the idea let me have cousin Fred's address and I will write and ask him. Perhaps I will drop Father a line tomorrow as I shall want him to get the beer etc in.
What do you think of Fritz walloping Dover? I got out of a little excitement. But should not be surprised if he pays us a visit down here. They are expecting him.
Well I haven't much news to tell you. I was on a Medical Board yesterday and got marked B2 again, so am still safe for a little while. Well I must ring off now. Closing with best love to all.
From ever your loving brother,