Fred 86
Somewhere in France
8th January 1917
My Dear M & F,
Just a card to let you know I am keeping Merry and Bright.
I received Arthur’s letter. Wish I could have got home with him. I hope he has had a good time. I suppose he is now thinking about coming back.
I don't expect I shall get home this winter unless Fritz has got one with my name marked on it.
Hope you are all keeping well. Love to all.
Your loving son,
Fred 88
Somewhere in France
20th January 1917
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter which I have just received.
Glad to hear that you are all keeping well. I am keeping fairly well except for a very bad cold that I cannot get rid of. I don't suppose I ever shall while I am out here.
I was glad Arthur spent a good time. I don't suppose you did care to see him go back. Did he take father to Braintree? If so I hope they didn't have to walk back.
I received his parcel alright and have wrote to him since. The place where he is now, is where I went home on leave from.
I'm sorry to hear about Mr Wright. I should like him to have seen the end of this war. For I am sure he would have just enjoyed the time when all the boys come marching home again.
I am glad you gave that paper to Mrs Bennett. What did she say about it?
Well I haven't much news to tell you. Please give my love to Grandmother and all of them.
So now will close with best love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all. Wishing you all good night.
Ever your loving son,