Arthur 49
47306 Rfm A. Horsnell
3rd Batt R.I.R
No.4 Ward
Fargo Military Hospital
Salisbury Plain
23rd May 1918
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to receive and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am going on alright up to the present.
Of course you don't want to write so often now as you would soon know if there was anything wrong with me.
I don't quite understand in the letter about 2 boys, perhaps you can explain it next time you write.
Hasn't the weather been awful this will last week. I bet you haven't felt like doing much. Means it has been as hot as this.
I am please the pigs are going on alright tell Father.
I think Mercy’s old girl is a bit too old to take out for a walk now, not without he wants to get some of her old money out of her.
I can guess you hadn't the house so full this holiday time as it was last. I wonder when it be so full again, weather it will be on a holiday time or not, don't no aye [?].
Tell Father not to say too much to her when she does come down or when he goes up there as I no he likes pulling their legs a bit when he talking to them.
Well Mother if you had got an old loaf you didn't want you could send it on as I could do with it. I had one from Lizzy last Monday. I tell you it come in alright as I was blooming hungry.
I might tell you hospital they call this, it's more of a prison than anything else. I shan't be in much longer I hope, as it is four weeks next Monday since I went in. Soon as I can get out I shall put in for a weekend.
I haven't anymore to say just now.
So goodbye.
With the best love from your son,
Tell Frankie perhaps I shall be home when you make the next meat pudding and then he won't get any. Give him a kiss for me xxxx
Arthur 50
47306 Rfm A. Horsnell
3rd Batt R.I.R
No.4 Ward
Fargo Military Hospital
Salisbury Plain
29th May 1918
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line to let you know I am going on alright and please you are all at home going on alright.
I have receive the parcel this morning and it is alright. I was please with it. If [it] wasn't for Lizzie sending me one last week I should have been half dead.
I no I think I shall be out sometime this week thank goodness. I will tell you more when I come home about this place.
I shall have several weeks pay to come soon as I can get out of here and I will give Father that 10/- [shillings] I owe him as I no he must want [it] now [he’s] got them pigs to keep.
I see in the paper where there is 15,000 volunteers wanted for two months. For goodness sake tell Father never to make one of them as I no he likes enough to eat. If he gets in there he won’t.
I haven't anymore to say just now.
So goodbye.
With the best love from your son,
One for Frankie xx
One for Dot x