Fred’s letters – September 1917


Fred 104

White X Hospital

3rd September 1917 

My Dear M & F,

Many thanks for your most welcome letter received this morning. Also thank Dot for hers and the PO.

I expect you had written your letter before you received my last one. 

Well Mother if that money has come from the Pay Office do not send it to me as I expect I shall be home about Friday. 

I wish for goodness I was getting my ticket. But I suppose I shall have to go out and have another taste of it. I couldn't have received that letter which Dot wrote before. It must be these post women.

I am glad Arthur is keeping fit and well. 

Well Mother dear I havent much to tell you. Tell little Frank his brother Fred will give him two halfpennies. Fondest love to all. Hoping to be home before Sunday.

Ever your loving son,


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