Fred 47
written on Messages and Signals “C” Form
7th February 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a few lines hoping you are all quite well. They have extended our rest from the trenches, so don't know when we go into action again.
Have enclosed a postcard for Aunt Jinnie, hope they are all quite well. It is Nancy's birthday tomorrow. Wish I was in England, after being out here eight months I feel that just a week in dear old England to see you all again would make me feel much different. I don't feel up to the march today. Give my love to Grandmother and Flo. So now must close with best and fondest love to all. Goodbye and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
Fred 48
Same address
Somewhere in France
11th February 1916
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter which I received yesterday. Glad to hear that you are all keeping well
Don't worry if you don't hear from Arthur. There are ASC men attached to our Batt [battalion], in fact to every Battalion. But they don't go in the trenches so they have got to be very unfortunate to get hit. I don't quite understand why he cannot get his letters away. Well I suppose you will be glad to know that we are still out of the trenches. Hope the children have received their cards by now. I shall be glad when this strafing is all over. I am just about getting fed up with this sort of life.
Well Mother I think this is all for the present. So will close with best love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,