Arthur 11
024042 Driver A. Horsnell
ASC 9th Reserve Park
BEF France
12th December 1915
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your kind and loving letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am alright up to the present.
I just say you think I have forgotten all about you but I have been away from camp nearly 3 weeks so I have only just got your letter in fact. I haven't had time to write.
I had a parcel come from Mr Snooks. It had in it two tins of oxo, cigarettes, chocolate and a nice cake but still as I haven't got a lot of time to write will you thank him for it and when you write to the others you can tell them I am alright. I'll write to them as soon as I get time.
I reckon Fred looks well in his photo. You say he is [so] weak. It’s not to be wondered at. I was up to the trenches the other day but I never see Fred's lot up there. He has written to me two or three times but I haven't had time to answer him back. I hope he is coming home for a few days. I know you will be glad to see him.
You never said whether you got your money alright. I haven't heard any more about it. I said I would to send you 10/- [10 shillings] so I will as soon as I can put in for it. I had to go away so I haven't had any money.
The weather is awful. It has been raining for weeks now.
I haven't anymore news to tell you just now, so goodbye.
Love from your son,
I don't no how Father will get on for tobacco. I don't no how I stand. I just say he will get a bit of twist.
I wish you all a happy Christmas if I don't get time to write anymore before Christmas.