Fred 100
B2 Ward
White X Hospital
17th July 1917 [date incorrectly given as 1916]
My Dear M & F,
Ever so many thanks for your most welcome letter and cards. I'm glad you are all keeping well. Well Mother I haven't much news to tell you. Kiss all the children for the cards they sent me. I think a lot of them.
We will have to see if we can all go out for the day when I come home. I don't know when it will be. The wound is almost healed up, but I hope they will try and make a better job of it for my own benefit after the war. I don't care how they cut it about so long as they do it good. But still I have had a decent run in hospital so I cannot grumble.
Well Father I thought I would have been home before now to try your new spuds, but never mind, don't send any. What do you say about having another day out together, or is beer to dear now?
Well this is all for now. Best love [to] all.
Your ever loving son,

Fred 101
A2 Ward, Block 1
White X Hospital
26th July 1917
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you know I am in the pink. But still waiting for my operation. I sincerely hope he will do something for my own benefit.
Well Mother I am having a glorious time now – plenty of invitations. I am going out for [a] cycle ride today. We are supposed to be in hospital by 8pm, but more likely I shall be in about midnight.
We have got some good nurses. They wouldn't see anyone get into trouble.
I have sent to the Pay Office for £2. You can keep 10 shillings for yourself and send me 30 shillings.
I hope you are all keeping fit and well. I expect I shall see you some time next month. But I'll want some kicking out of this place.
Now I will close with best love to all. Au revoir and God bless you.
Ever your loving son,