Fred 1
Ashford, Kent
1st June 1915
Dear Mother,

We are now on our way. Hope you are well. Goodbye all.
Your loving son,

Fred 2
British Expeditionary Force, France
[not dated; before 12th June 1915]
My Dear M & F,
Just a line hoping you are all keeping quite well and happy. What sort of weather are you having down there, it's hot over here. I sent a PC to Arthur. How is Grandmother and Florie. Tell her I haven't seen many fannies [nurses] out here.
We have got a good Platoon Officer and should be sorry to lose him. We were hard up for smokes the other night so he bought us some fags and tobacco. Give my love to Dot and Lily. I haven't no more to say now. So must wish you all goodnight and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 3
British Expeditionary Force, France
[not dated; before 12th June 1915]
My Dear M & F,
Just a line hoping you are all keeping as well as I am. Hope you haven't had any more air raids in England.
We shall soon be at them now and show them what we are made of.
I would like to know where Charlie got killed. I shall be having my own back with them before long.
The people out here are very nice and show their respect in every way. No time for more now. My best love to all. Goodbye and God bless you.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 4
Address cut away by censor
12th June 1915
My Dear M & F,
I hope you are all keeping as well as what I am. I shall be glad when I can get a line from you. I haven't received any news whatever from you yet. I have wrote to you twice. Hope you have received them alright.
I heard from Nance again yesterday. She is coming down to see you when she has her holiday.
What a happy day for England it will be when this war is over. But not so very happy for you as we shall never all meet again.
When you write again let me know the name of the place where Charlie was buried. I have forgotten what it is. There are lots of soldiers' graves about here. But of course I am not allowed to tell you the names of the places.
Well Mother dear I haven't any more to tell you now. Kiss the little ones for me. Tell Lilly and Dorothy I should be pleased to hear from them when they get time to write. So now I must close with best love to all.

Wishing you all goodnight and God bless you and make you happy.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 7
British Expeditionary Force, France
19th June 1915
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to say that I am keeping quite well. Hoping you are all the same.
The weather is much cooler now. I suppose you will be well away with fruit picking by the end of this week. I would like a week at it again now, just for a change.
Kiss all the little ones for me. Keep one of the babies photos for me. But I suppose they have all gone by now.
Give my love to Grandmother and Flo also aunt and all of them down the station.
I don't think I am far away from the place where Charlie was buried. But will let you know better later on. My Platoon Officer is going to find it out.
Well now Mother dear I haven't much more to say now. I suppose Father’s garden looks well now, but rather dry weather for it.
Now I must close with best love to all. Wishing you all goodbye and God bless you.
From your ever loving son,