Arthur 13
024042 Dr. A. Horsnell ASC
9th Reserve Park
BEF France
4th March 1916
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your kind and loveing letter which I was very please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am alright up to the present.
What some rotten weather we are getting now. I bet Fred wishes he had got another week at home until this weather gets a little better.
I just say he told you a little bit about France. I don't no when I will get my leaf [leave] but still I hope the sun is shining when I do come.
I haven't any more news to tell you so goodbye.
Love from your son,
Keep smiling.
Arthur 14
024042 Dr. A. Horsnell ASC
9th Reserve Park
BEF France
[not dated; before 16th March 1916]
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your parcel which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as old bunny is alright yet.
I am eating that toffee while I am writing this letter. The cough sweets were alright. It was snowing like the devil. I put one in my mouth and it warm me up alright. You no it’s cold sitting on a wagon all day but still we not so bad off as them in the trenches is.
Old Pealy Moore kick the bucket then I see old Lewis Cleaves name on the paper bag. I see in the paper that chimney sweep is snuff it too.
I shan’t look for anymore parcels. I shouldn't have look for this one only you said you was going to send me one and you no I am a devil for cake when I used to soak it in my tea. Of course I don't run downstairs in the morning rain and sit aside of the fire and put my boots on and have a cup of tea before I go to work – but still bunny don’t look much worse for it.
There is one I just thought on. I shall be 20 years of age this month. I will have to find a girl when I come home so I can get married on my interest when I come out of the army.
Tell Father to find a nice looking girl for me what would make a good daughter in law.
I think this is all this time so goodbye.
Love from your son,
Arthur 15
Driver A. Horsnell
ASC 9th Reserve Park
BEF France
[not dated; late March / early April 1916]
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I wasn't very please to have.
I am sorry that poor old Fred is got wounded. It's hope that he is not hurt much. It's wonderful how quick you get put over. You must let me know how he gets on as I don't suppose he will write to me for a bit.
I don't no how old Father is getting. I wish him many happy returns for the day. If it isn't too late I was going to buy him a card but I thought to myself he can't smoke cards.
I haven't any more to tell just now so goodbye.
Love from your son,