Fred 19
Signal Section
7th Batt E Surrey Regt
6th September 1915
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter which I received yesterday. I was glad to hear that you were all quite well. I suppose the bedrooms look nice now.
I shall be glad to get Father’s letter. I suppose It's on the way here now.
Tell little Percy perhaps his brother Fred will soon be coming home.
I wrote to Arthur the other day. Well Mother perhaps it’s as well if you think that the war will soon be over. But my opinion is that it's not halfway through yet. But I suppose there will be an end to it some day.
We are still in the trenches and I think it's the worst week we have had for rain. The trenches are in an awful state but it's giving us a little idea what it will be like in the winter time.
Lucky that bomb didn't explode which dropped so close to aunt’s house.
Have all the young chaps enlisted in Hatfield yet? It's about time everybody thought about it that is able to do so. I suppose they think they won't have to come out here. But I wish I [had] been sent out months before and often think of the months training we had to go through, but perhaps it was all for a good cause.
I am glad to think that you have heard from Nancy (?).
Give my love to Grandmother, Flo and all the rest of them.
I have got a cold otherwise I am alright. This is all for the present. So now I must close with best love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
Fred 20
Signal Section
7th Batt E Surrey Regt
10th September 1915
Dear Father,
Many thanks for your letter which I received alright. I was glad to hear that you were quite well.
I have got a rotten cold otherwise I feel alright.
Well father it seems quite nice to get a letter from you. I could just picture you sitting up at the table and writing it. It looks as though you are going to serve the pear tree the same as the gooseberry trees. Sharpen the hook up well first dear father.
I am glad you have got plenty of potatoes and also plenty of onions. The latter I know you wouldn't be without. I should like a glass of the wine now. I might have to luck to get some later on and then a nice little spree we will have. But not to lie on the platform down the station again. Do you remember that Xmas? Poor old Charlie was with us then but we shall never have him again I am sorry to say. I would like to get to the part of the line where he lies. But such a thing might happen yet
Well Father how would you like to come out here – be a change wouldn't it? But I am afraid the trenches would have to be made wider before you could get through.
Well I think this is nearly all for the present. Kiss the little ones for me.
I expect Percy is a little nut now and I suppose little Frank will soon be as bad. Well I must ring off now as the time is getting on. Closing with love to all. Au revoir.
Your loving son,
Fred 22
Signal Section
7th Batt E Surrey Regt
20th September 1915
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter which I received yesterday.
I was glad to hear that you were all quite well. We are having glorious weather in the trenches this week, but it turns so cold during the night.
Dear Mother don't bother to send me anything. I know you would like to send me a few pears but it costs so much for postage so I would rather you not send them.
When there is anything I want I will let you know. I shall want those two thick vests when the cold weather sets in. I will let you know when I require them.
Arthur was quite well when I heard from him last. I'm keeping well myself and have nearly got rid of my cold.
Well Mother I haven't any news I can tell you. These are the sort of letters the censor likes, short and sweet.
Remember me to Grandmother, Flo etc. Closing with best bove to all.
Ever your loving son,