Fred 75
Same address
10th September 1916
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome [letter] which I answered with a card. I am so pleased to know that you are getting on so nicely and that all the others are keeping well. I am "All Merry and Bright" up to the present.
I am glad Father has got a good crop of potatoes. It is such a great help through the winter. I wish I was home helping to dig them up. I suppose we have been having the same kind of weather as you. Plenty of rain.
I am glad Arthur is keeping well. I suppose he will soon be coming home on leave, giving you a surprise some day. I expect the next time you see me will be when it's all over and the sooner it comes the better.
Well this is nearly all for now.
I am in the trenches at present.
So now will close with fondest love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
This is Annie’s address:
8 Wingfield Road
Fred 76
Same address
17th September 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a line or two hoping you are all keeping quite well. I am so glad you are getting on so nicely.
Don’t forget what I told you. If there is anything you want, which will help to regain your strength, draw my little bit out of the bank and get it.
I know you must be a little hard pushed sometimes, as things are such a high price now.
You will soon have all the children off your hands now. How does little Percy like going to school?
I hope Father has made plenty of wine. I almost forget the taste of it.
I have heard from Dot and Mercy. They seem to be going on alright. I suppose you will soon be having Arthur home on leave. Ask him if he would like to change places with me. He had more sense than us other boys, to join the ASC.
Well I think this is nearly all for the present. Give my love to Grandmother etc. So now will close with love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
Fred 77
Same address
23rd September 1916
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter which I received yesterday. I am glad you are all keeping well. I am glad you have wrote to Nancy. Will you send her a card to look at when you write to her again.
Fancy little Percy getting that card on his birthday. I hadn't the least idea when it was.
I suppose you do wish this slaughter would end before the cold weather sets in, and so do I. But still it is no use wishing anything, as we have got to stick it to the end. It's like a big ball of string, the end must come sooner or later.
I expect you was pleased to see poor old Grandmother. Dot told me all about it when she wrote.
Well really I don't know what to write about. You can read more in the papers then I can tell you. I am keeping as well as can be expected under these conditions.
Please give my love to Grandmother etc. So now must close with fondest love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,