Fred 91
Same address
16th February 1917
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter.
Glad to hear that you are keeping quite well. Have enclosed photo for Mrs Bennett. It's the last one I have. Hope you will get it alright .
Well I suppose you struggle to pull through, everything is so expensive.
I think the Huns will get their backbone broken this summer and then I hope it will all end. I think this winter would just about be enough for all of us. The Front does not give very much, and the weather still remains very cold. But still we are getting through it aright.
I have not heard from Arthur since he has been back, so was glad when I received your letter to know that he was alright.
Well I haven't much news to tell you. Give my love to Grandmother and all of them. Now must close with love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,