Arthur 12
024042 Dr. A. Horsnell ASC
Attached to 1/2 Highland Field Company RE
9th Reserve Park
26th January 1916
My Dear Brother,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am going on alright up to the present.
I haven't had the chance of writing to you before as I haven't been near the camp for weeks and don't look like getting there now. There is two or three of us attached to the R.E. [Royal Engineers] so I think we are settled for a week or two.
I just say Mother was worried a bit. Means I hadn't wrote to her for so long.
The weather doesn't alter a lot. It mostly manage to rain a bit every day.
You no there isn't a lot of news to say. The only thing as I see you want to still carry on. I haven't any more to tell me just now so goodbye.
Love from your Brother,
Write when you get time. I may have a chance of answering a little quicker.
I have just receive your letter. Have written to Mother about three days ago. I reckon I will get my leaf [leave] when the war is over.