Fred 102
A2 Ward
White X Hospital
4th August 1917
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you know I received [your] letter and money alright. I hope you are all keeping fit and well. It’s raining here today, not very nice for the holiday makers.
Well it was three months yesterday since I was wounded and its three years on the 12th of this month since I enlisted. I wonder how many more years I have got to wear khaki. I have only got the duration to do after the three years.
I received a letter from Arthur yesterday morning. I was sorry to hear of Cherry Cloughton getting killed. But it's no use worrying. I suppose it will end some day. I give it until next February.
They have done nothing to my hand yet. They seem doubtful whether they can do it any good or not.
I think this is about all for now so will close with my best love to all.
From ever your loving son,

Fred 103
White X Hospital
30th August 1917
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you know I was marked out this morning.
I wrote for some money two days ago, I expect you will get it. If so send me 30/- [shillings] and keep 10/- [shillings] for yourself.
I expect I shall be home one day next week. The hospital is getting full, so of course some of us have got to go.
This is all for now. All news when I come home.
I have had a fairly good stay here, so must not grumble. Fondest love to all.
Ever your loving son,