Arthur 22
024042 Driver A. Horsnell
ASC 9th RP
BEF France
10th September 1916
My Dear Sister,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are going on alright as I am pushing on alright yet.
I got the parcel alright and it was alright. The envelopes you sent were all stuck but it doesn't matter now. I have got a writeing pad now.
I hope Florie is alright. I don't suppose there is much amiss of you. If you see Mercy you can tell [her] I am alright. I write to her when I get time.
I just say you are loveing up to get marry now. I just say I will get home soon enough to see your wedding.
I think this [is all] I can tell you this time.
So goodbye.
Love from your brother,
Write as soon as you can as you no Tommy like to hear a little news from home.
If you ever have any books to send I should be very please as they are alright to have a read. Any sort will do.
Arthur 23
024042 Driver A. Horsnell
9th Reserve Park
BEF France
10th September 1916
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are going on alright as I am alright up to the present.
You think I ought to have a leaf [leave] but it's no use of thinking just now. There's a war on now.
I am glad you have got plenty of potatoes this year.
I hope Granie is going on alright. I just say she is busy in the garden now.
If you have any books or papers if you send they are handy to have a read. Passes a little time away. It's as same the song is – put all your troubles in [your] old kit bag. Smile. Smile. Smile.
I haven't anymore news to tell you just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
I got the parcel alright. It was tribon [tres bon].