Fred 10
The Same Address
5th July 1915
Dear M & F,
Just a line hoping you are all keeping quite well.
Thanks very much for that parcel. I expect you have received the card that I sent to let you know I received it alright.
I have had a letter from Arthur.
We are out for a few days rest now.
Dorothy sent me one of her photos, also told me about her days experience at fruit picking. How is the garden looking now.
Mercy wrote me a letter from Chelmsford. I have sent her a card. I am glad she is getting on alright.
Well I haven't much to write about. Kiss the little ones for me.
So now I must wish you all goodnight – God bless you.
From your loving son,
Please put on my address Signal Section Head Quarters. Perhaps I shall receive all my letters then.
Fred 12
The Same Address
11th July 1915
Dear M & F,
Just a line to thank you for the smokes and matches, also your photo. I think [it] is very good of you and the baby. The only thing is you look worried. You ought to have had that black hat on, if you remember it. The one [that] used to lean a little bit.
I hope you are all keeping quite well. I am keeping alright at present. I suppose the weather has been too hot for the fruit.
Well Mother we had a little singsong during the evening on the 8th and as you remarked I shall always remember where I spent it.
Well it doesn't look bright out here. But there will be an end to this terrible slaughter one day. I would like to meet some of the Hatfield boys. There is quite a little cemetery of the Essex Regt.
I suppose father is just as interested in the garden.
Give my love to Grandmother, Flo and all the rest of them. So now I must close with fondest love to all. Wishing you all goodnight and God bless you all.
From ever your loving son,
Fred 13
The Same Address
16th July 1915
Dear M & F,
Just a line hoping you are all quite well. Am glad to say I am quite well at present.
There is little that I can tell you. We have been [rest of sentence censored].
My Platoon Officer has been killed. You have got his photo on the PC of No.2 Platoon.
I suppose you will soon be finished fruit picking. Is there a Flower Show at Hatfield this year?
Tell Aunt Jinnie it's time her little poker was worn out but there tell her to make it last another Xmas.
Give my love to Grandmother and Flo. Nancy told me in her letter that Flo sent her a nice box of flowers.
Well Mother I haven't any more to write about now. Kiss the children for me.
So now must sign off. Closing with fondest love to all.
Ever your loving son,
Fred 15
26th July 1915
Dear Mother,
Many thanks for [your] letter which I received just after I sent one to you.
I like your photo very much and also the baby. You look something like [it] in this one.
I was surprised to hear that Arthur was over here. I wonder where he is. I should think he must be attached to another division. When you write to him just tell him to drop me a line.
One blessing [is] he won’t have the hardship of the trenches to put up with and they [the Army Service Corps] are always fairly safe except in a case where we had to retire in a hurry such as at the Battle of Mons. But I don't think such thing like that will ever happen again.
Now I must close with best love [to] all. Au revoir and God bless you.
Ever your loving son,