Arthur 48
[Address removed]
27th April 1918
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line [in … ] back to old Blighty in the same place where I was sent to when I enlisted so it isn't strange to me.
I hope you are all keeping alright as I am keeping alright up to the present.
Well Mother I shall try and get home on a weekend in a fortnight’s time if I can manage it. Well I couldn't send father that 10/- [shillings] this week what going on that escort and comeing over hear now they give you nothing only biscuits. It takes all your [?] when you are shifting about like that.
I have been on to the old quartermaster about my back pay. He said as soon as he gets it he will let me have it. See they have to wait till it comes through records from Dublin. It might be a month before I get it.
I hope Dot’s Bob is getting on alright. I see his name wear [where] he got killed when they made an attack on Ostend so she will have to get another one now.
Well I haven't anymore to say just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
I am happy enough now I have got away from Belfast.