Fred 66
Somewhere in France
1st August 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you know I am “All Merry and Bright”. Hoping you are all the same.
It’s been ages since I received a letter from you. I think they must have gone astray, as I know you always write.
I received a parcel from Mrs Crawford the other day.
Have you heard from Annie lately?
Well I haven't much to write about. Give my love to Grandmother and the remainder of them. Kiss the little ones for me.
So now will close with fondest love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
I received a letter from Arthur yesterday. He is quite well.
Fred 67
A Company
7th E. Surrey’s
BEF France
9th August 1916
My Dear Sister
Many thanks for your letter, which I was glad to receive.
I am most awfully upset about Mother. I sincerely hope she will recover. Please do all you can for I know it's a worry for her Charlie getting killed and us other boys out here, but tell her not to worry about me, I am quite well.
I hope please God will spare her and restore her health and strength once again.
How is Father and the little ones? Keeping well I hope. Tell Father to cheer up. I know we have got a good Father and that he will do all he can to keep the home fire burning.
If there is anything Mother wants you can draw my little lot out of the bank.
Well I think this is nearly all for the present. Kiss the little ones for me.
So now I will close with love to all. Hoping Mother will soon be well again. Au revoir and God bless you all.
From your loving brother,
For the children. [the kisses at the foot of the letter]
Fred 71
Same address
22nd August [1916]
My Dear M & F.
Just a line in answer to your most welcome letter.
I am so glad that you are getting on again. Take care of yourself now that you are up again. Thank Mrs Bennett for sending that slip of paper. It was very good of her.
I think I told you that Walter Lanstone was in this Battalion, so I often see him. I saw him yesterday, so you can tell his father that he is alright, if you happen to see him.
I am sorry to hear of Harry Lucking getting wounded and losing sight of one eye. Please remember me to his mother.
I have never seen Bert Davies. I expect we have been quite close to one another at times and not able to get to one another.
Well how is Grandmother and all the rest of them? Keeping well I hope. Please give my love to them.
I think this is nearly all for the present. Hoping everyone else is well at home. Kiss the little ones for me.
So now will close, with fondest love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
His Majesty the King has been most gracefully pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the field to the men undermentioned.
There was three in my company got them. I suppose you will be pleased to know that your son Fred is one of them.
Au revoir and God bless you all.