Fred 37
7th E. Surrey’s
15th December 1915
My Dear M & F,
Just a line hoping you are all quite well. I received that parcel from Hatfield and also wrote back to the Rev Snook and thanked him.
Well Mother we have had it rough just lately, waist deep in water. It's not fit for a dog to be out here. But still we stick it. Old soldiers never die.
I have not heard from Arthur for a long time. I hope he is alright.
Well I shall not be home for Xmas to help drink the wine, but I will think of you all. You enjoy yourselves none the more for us being out here.
I suppose my pass will come along some day if I am lucky. I am sure I wish you all a Happy Xmas and Prosperous New Year. Also the same to Grandmother, Flo and all of them.
So now must close with best love to all. Au devoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
Fred 39
7th E. Surrey’s
25th December 1915
My Dear M & F,
Thanks so very much for most welcome letter which I was pleased to receive. Your last letter before this one I'm answering was dated 5th of Dec, so the others must have gone astray.
Fancy little Percy buying that card for me. Instead of a halfpenny as he said he shall have a penny.
Well it's now about 8pm, so I suppose you are all well away with Xmas. I am only able to drink your health with a drop of tea so cannot get drunk. But in a day or two we go out again so will make up for it then.
The Huns keep dropping their dear little shells quite close. I suppose they want to hurt someone.
I hope by another Xmas this will be all over. I suppose it will be, all over the world.
I received a letter from Mercy the other day. She said she was going home for a few days. A few of our chaps were lucky enough to [be] home for Xmas. I suppose my turn will surprise me some day. I hope that day will soon come.
Well I think this is all for the present. Keep the flag flying. Closing with best love to all.
From your loving son,