Arthur 45
H2 Ward
St Luke’s War Hospital
11th December 1917
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to receive and glad to hear you are keeping alright as my leg is going on alright up to the present.
I got wounded in the left leg between my ankle and knee, near enough in the calf of my leg. It’s about 5 inches long, but never mind, I can stick this alright. It will be alright again one day that’s one good thing.
I think I told you where I got hit. I got hit at Passchindale.
I just say it will ease a lot off your mind to no that both your sons are in Blighty.
I hope Fred doesn't have to go to France anymore. I shan’t unless I can help. I shall swing on them when I get back to the Depot, tell them I can't march.
I thank you very [much] for those stamps. I can write to Fred’s girl now and tell her I receive her letter and packet of cigarettes she puts in with the letter.
Is Lily getting married this Christmas? I think it is Dot's birthday this month, I don't no what day. I won't be too late anyway. I wish her many happy returns of the day. How is her young man getting on? Tell [her] she doesn't want to keep it secret as we like to no these things.
Jim will be leaving school soon now won’t he? He will be a help to you.
Does the old bike want some more new tires on?
We get a pound when we come out of hospital. That will not be for a time. I hope you are all well.
Have a happy Christmas. I just say the children have got a Christmas tree. We get some nice food, that's one good thing but not to beat one of your old meat puddings.
I am going to write to Mercy, poor old girl.
I hope Father is alright. I don't know how I get him some bacca for Christmas. I get him some when I come out.
I haven't anymore to tell you this time.
From your loveing son,