Fred 82
8th December 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you [know] I am going on as well as can be expected. With good luck I hope to get out of hospital within the next few days. It's left me awfully weak and thin. I think the cause of it is getting wet through so much and laying on the wet ground. I shall be glad when the end is in sight, but I am [sure] it will not be yet. Now I must close with love to all. Hoping you are all quite well.
Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
Don't write anymore until I let you know. I expect your letters have gone west this last week or two.
Fred 83
Same address
16th December 1916
My Dear M & F,
Thanks so very much for the parcel which I received three days ago, also the letter. Thank little Annie for the cuffs. She is getting quite a clever little girl.
Well Mother I am not feeling well by a long way. But I suppose I shall get better again when the warm weather comes along. I think this will be the last winter. But I suppose we have got a terrible lot to go through before the end of the duration comes.
I cannot understand you not receiving my letters, as I write to you nearly every week.
Well I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a happy New Year. I hope Arthur will get his leave alright, also I wish I could get home at the same time. But I don't think there is any hope of me getting home this winter.
Well I must close now with love to all. Please give my love to Grandmother and all of them. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
Fred 84 – Field Service Postcard
17th December 1916
Wishing you and Flo a Merry Xmas.
Fred 85
7th E. Surrey’s
30th December 1916
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter, which Dot wrote. I hope she is better now after her attack of influenza.
I am feeling much better now. But it's quite true I could do with one of your meat puddings.
Sorry Arthur didn't get home for Xmas. But perhaps he will be home for the New Year. Don’t ever expect to see me come rolling home. I hope it will be all over before it's my turn for leave.
I hope the children and all of you spent a Happy Xmas. It's no use getting downhearted because we are out here. You want to keep smiling and keep the home fires burning.
Well I haven't much news to tell you. I hope you are all keeping well. Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Love to all.
Ever your loving son,