Fred 105
70 Cpl F Horsnell
7th E. Surrey's
B Coy (11 Hut)
Shoreham by Sea
4th October 1917
My Dear M & F,
Just a line hoping you are all keeping quite well. There seems to be a mess up with the mail here. I haven't heard from Annie for nearly a fortnight and I am sure she has written.
Well Mother I have got a most awful cold and have felt quite ill this last day or two. I haven't been on parade today.
What do you think of the air raids? Been letting it rip just lately haven't they.
Have you heard from Arthur lately? Don't forget to let me know if ever he comes home while I am here, then I can get away for a day or two.
How is Florrie getting on? Also hope Grandmother is keeping well.
Now will close with fondest love to all. Am going to get into bed as soon as I have posted this. Goodnight all and God bless you.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 106
B Coy (11 Hut)
Shoreham by Sea
11th October 1917
My Dear M & F,
Ever so many thanks for your most welcome letter. Glad to hear you are all keeping quite well. I am so sorry to hear about Uncle Dan getting wounded and gassed. It’s sad about his wife. I do feel sorry for him. It's very hard for him and the little children.
How is Flo now? Also hope Grandmother is keeping well.
I wonder what Arthur is going to transfer into. I sincerely hope he is not going in the infantry. If so he has my sympathy.
I received a letter from Mercy this morning.
Well I am swinging the lead as well as possible. I am on arm[s] drill. Am having a good try to make a category. Don't know if I shall succeed. I suppose they will rumble in the end and mark me A1.
Well Father will you ask Jim Spooner if he received my letter, as he has not answered it.
Well I haven't much news to tell you. Hope you are all keeping fit and well. Now will close with fondest love to all. Au revoir.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 107
70 Cpl F Horsnell
7th E. Surrey's
B Coy (11 Hut)
Shoreham by Sea
23rd October 1917
My Dear M & F,

Many thanks for your most welcome letter which I have just received.
Am so sorry to hear you have been ill again. You must really take care of yourself and not do no more than you can help, otherwise I can see us not having a mother soon.
I am writing to Arthur as soon as I have finished writing this. I hope you have heard from him by now. But don't worry you will hear from him soon.
How is Florrie getting on now, also hope Grandmother is keeping well.
I am still swinging the lead. I don't know what they will do with me. I suppose in the end I shall get A1.
I have still got a rotten cold and cannot get rid of it.
Glad you have heard from Annie. I forgot about your birthday on the 20th. But will wish you many happy returns now. Wish I had got a few pounds to send you.
Well I think this is nearly all for the present.
If you don't feel like writing make Dot write, or is she too busy courting? Tell her I will break her neck when I come home if she doesn't write.
Now I will close with best love to all.
Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 108
70 Cpl F Horsnell
7th E. Surrey's
B Coy (11 Hut)
Shoreham by Sea
[undated; but after 23rd October 1917]
My Dear M & F,

Just a line in answer to Dot's letter which saved her from getting her neck broken.
Well Mother I thought I was going to get away this weekend so I could come down home. But think the mobilisation which took place last Saturday has spoiled my chance.
The men that went last Friday night were recalled again. Some got home and found the telegrams for them to return at once. Others were met at the stations with telegrams and had to return by the next train.
Then in the end it was all a wrong order from GHQ Home Forces. It should have never been sent to convalescent depots.
The CO was so pleased with the men responding the call so promptly that he is letting them go again this Friday. So I shall get done out of mine.
I have seen Ernie Gurton down here. I am still swinging the lead, am still having massage and electric treatment. I have to go over [to] the hospital every morning.
Jim Lucking will give you some photos when he gets them done. You know within a little [time?] who to give them to. Let Grandmother over Faulkbourne have one and if possible save me a couple.
It's rather strange that you cannot hear from Arthur. He hasn't answered my letter. How long has it been since you heard from him? But still he won't get so much chance to write no.
I received a letter from Mercy this morning. I forgot all about little Frank's birthday. But tell him his brother Fred will give him a penny when he comes home.
Well the war doesn't seem to improve at all. In fact I think it looks worse, what will the Italians and Russians going back. It looks like lasting for ever. There’s only one lot Fritz can't drive back and that's the old British Bulldogs.
I wouldn't mind going to Italy away, it would be a change, anywhere except France (Blighty preferred)
Well Mother I hope you are feeling better again now. Look after yourself.
Now will close with all my love to you all. Goodnight and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,