Arthur 38
Same address
9th June 1917
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to say I am keeping alright up to the present.
The weather has been beauterful that's one good thing.
I see in the paper were [where] you have had a terrible thunderstorm and another air raid. Get the wind up a bit I bet. It doesn't say were [where] it was. Do you no? If so let me no next time you write.
I am so please that the gardens are looking nice. I am afraid I shan't be home to get a feed while the stuff is new. Are well, perhaps I will be soon enough next year. Let’s hope so anyway.
I am please that Fred is getting on alright. He will be alright anyway. Arthur Green was unlucky comeing across wasn't he? Old Fritz was soon after his blood wasn’t he?
I haven't anymore news to tell just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
I receive the papers alright this week.
For Frankie
Dot known as ginger
Arthur 39
Same address
24th June 1917
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to say I am alright up to the present.
You say you have been queer again. You don't want [to] work so hard. I expect you have been out in the field again. It's no use of worrying yourself, work will last longer than you.
The boy Hugh (?) has got married, the dam fool. That would be the least of my thoughts while I am on active service.
I have cut my finger so you will have to excuse scrible. I thought it would be better than a field (?).
Don't you worry about me. I will let you know if I want anything.
I haven't anymore news to tell just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
Make old Dot do a bit more.