Fred 49
Somewhere in France
1st March 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you know that I am quite well. Hoping you are all the same.
Well Mother I have been in the trenches and out again since I was home.
Nance came to see me off. I am glad to think that I have seen you all once again.
Tell Father I wouldn't mind if I was walking home from Braintree with him now. There has been just as much snow out here.
Well this is all for the present. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
Fred 50
Same address
5th March 1916
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter which I received yesterday. Was glad to hear that you are all keeping well.
I received a letter from Arthur the other day. He said it's been too cold to write.
I guess little Frank does look a little nut in trousers. Tell him I will give him a penny to put [in] his pocket when I come home. Tell little Percy he will have to take a little salt and catch another rabbit when I come home.
Thanks for sending me part of the magazine. Was glad you received photos alright. Annie was alright last time I heard from her.
Well I haven't much to write about. We have had some more snow and it's up to our eyebrows in mud again.
Please remember me to Grandmother and all of them. So now must close with fondest love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,
Please excuse scribble. I have cut my hand.
Fred 52
21st March 1916
My Dear M & F,
Don't worry I am only slightly wounded in the left leg. Am in base hospital down by the seaside – it's a Canadian hospital. I am in bed but shall be alright in a day or two and shall soon be back with the boys again, what few there is left of them, we have been cut up completely
Tell Father he could walk from Braintree better than I could now.
I shall be glad when this terrible slaughter is over. It’s wicked that ever a war like this should be carried on
Well Mother I hope you are all keeping quite well. Kiss the children for me.
Please excuse the scribble. I am sitting up in bed and don't feel up to much.
Give my love to Grandmother, Flo, Aunt Jinnie and all the rest of them. Now I must close with best and fondest love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,