Arthur 1
Driver A. Horsnell
ASC No 024042
19 Div Train
[not dated; July 1915]
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line to say I am quiet [quite well] and hope you are keeping alright.
I am sorry to say I shan't be able to come home now as we are leaving for France Saturday but I am only going just the other side to the base so if Fred is at the base now I shall get a chance of seeing him so you haven't got anything to worry about me as I shan't be near the front within 50 miles [of] the firing line.
I am sending another parcel home. You will find some use for it.
I haven't sent you no address this time but I will let you have it as soon as I can. I should have like to have seen you before I went away but never mind I hope to see you before long. I hope I shall have luck enough to come back and see you all again. I write to you every day so you know I am alright.
I don't mind so much as long dear Fred if he isn’t at the firing line. I might get a chance of seeing him.
I am very pleased the coat fit Father alright. He will find it useful this winter.
I haven't anything more to tell you just now. I mostly say I haven't any more news to tell just now but I just say it will surprise you because I haven't been home to see you. When I come home again I hope it will be for good.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
God bless you all.
Don't worry as I am only going to the base.
Shan't hear a gun go off so let alone see any fighting so I am just as safe as you are.
We get our money just the same as we do here only it will be in French. We can spend it just the same as we do here.