Arthur 40
Same address
6th July 1917
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am in the best of health up to the present.
We are having some beautiful weather now. I bet the things in the garden are beautiful now. I wouldn't like to be home for a feed now. You don't want to worry yourself.
You are not going fruit picking this year are you? If you do you better not let me come and catch you so there will be trouble I can tell you.
I bet young Frankie is a lad. He will be big boy by the time I see him again.
You have got some chickens again you say. I forget now what shape they lay now. It's to be hoped it will soon be all over so as we can get home again on the old job.
I hope Grandmother is keeping alright and asked her if the rhubarb is comeing up yet. I hope so as a little drop of wine wouldn't be a miss now.
You can give my love to Dot and Flo and tell them not to get married before I come home as I want to be best man for them so as I can tell them how to go on as I am experience a lot of it now.
I haven't anymore news to tell.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
For Frankie
Arthur 42
Same address
27th July 1917
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am keeping alright up to the present.
I hope you are not fruit picking this year and laying yourself up again.
I had a letter from Fred the other day. He is going on fairly well and he looks alright in his plats (?) and he looks alright the side of the nurse what who I had a letter from Alf Ketley. He said he was home last month.
I hope the garden looks beautierful as I hope I'm soon enough next year to have a field.
I haven't anymore news to tell just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,