Fred 33
70 L/Cpl Horsnell
7th ESR
16th November 1915
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks your most welcome letter which I received yesterday. Glad to hear that you are all quite well.
I hope A. and R. Spooner have had a nice time while on leave. I should very much like a few days now.
I was glad he could tell you where poor Charlie was buried. It’s a year tomorrow since he was killed. It's nice to know that he was buried in a churchyard. You can picture his grave as one in churchyard in England. Wherever it is possible the graves are kept up nicely. That’s one comfort for the parents to know.
I suppose by the time I come home again little Percy will run alone.
Well Mother I am going to ask you to do me a favour. If it is possible I want one of my photos – that one with just head and shoulders, could you have one or two taken from that and send me one. I will send you the money as soon as I get some more. I shall be pleased if you can do that for me.
We are getting all sorts of weather out here, rain and frost.
I have not heard from Arthur for a long time. You might just remind him when you write
Give my love to Grandmother and Flo, also all the rest of them.
Well now I must close with best love to all. Hoping to hear from you again soon. Goodnight and God bless you all.
Your loving son,
Fred 34
The Piggery
Somewhere in France
25th November 1915
My Dear M & F,
Thanks so very much for your most welcome letter received yesterday. Glad to hear you are all keeping well. Was glad little P. and A. got their cards alright. I will send little George one next time as I haven't got no more then.
Well Mother we are now back for our long promised rest. We are now well away from the trenches for a little while, but can still hear the rumble of the guns.
I might be lucky enough to get leave while we are back here, at least I hope so. But as you say it would be better if it were all over so we did not have to go back again.
It was nice for the two Spooners to get leave together. I wish Arthur and myself could get off together. Tell father to have the wine all ready. I feel as weak as a rat, so shall want a good meat pudding to start with.
Well this is all for the present. Give my love to Grandmother, Flo and all the rest of them down there.
So now must close with best love to all. Goodnight and God bless you.
Your loving son,
I have heard from Arthur today.
Fred 35
70 L/Cpl Horsnell
7th ESR
29th November 1915
My Dear M & F,
Thanks so very much for letter and photos. Hope you are all still keeping well.
Well our frosty weather has turned to rain today. But still we must not grumble. The weather has been great this last week.
I suppose everyone is thinking of Xmas now. I wish I was coming home to spend mine. But we must make the best of it.
I heard from Nancy yesterday, she said that she had received a letter from Flo.
Well now Mother dear this is all for now. So will close with fondest love to all. Wishing you all goodnight and God bless you all.
Your ever loving son,