Arthur 31
024042 Dr A. Horsnell
ASC 9th Reserve Park
BEF France
[not dated; early 1917]
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line to let you no I arrive back safe. I got back at 12 instead of 6.
I got the parcel but will let you have the little bit I want you to put in the magazine. I am just haveing one of the jam tarts now.
I have had [one of] my letters back what I sent to Fred. I suppose it was when he was in hospital with the trench fever.
I haven't anything more to tell you just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
Arthur 32
024042 Driver A. Horsnell
ASC 9th Reserve Park
BEF France
[not dated; early 1917]
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line to let you no I am keeping alright as I hope you are all keeping alright at home. I hope to hear from you before long.
I have just finished eating the old plum pudding and it was better than the one I had sent in the tin so I know you are getting a good hand at cooking now.
The parcel wasn't so good as last year but of course it was alright for a gift.
The weather is rotten now. It’s been snowing for a couple of days now. I don't see the old cup of tea comeing upstairs now. It wouldn't be amiss this weather
It’s to be hoped we will soon get back to the old times again. I bet I don't leave [for] home for a month or two.
I have wrote that little bit so as you can have it put in the magazine.
I haven't heard from Fred as I don't know whether he got the parcel or not.
There was one thing I forgot that was the name of the cemetery that Charlie was buried in so let me no when you write again.
I haven't anymore news to tell you just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
I just [hope?] Frankie is still writeing to me.
Arthur 33
024042 Dr A. Horsnell
ASC 9th Reserve Park
BEF France
[not dated; early 1917]
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am alright up to the present.
We are getting some healthy weather now. Can have a game of snowball now and slideing – it’s alright after we finish.
We haven't got the old fire to look at now and can guess you keep on stokeing it up now while this is on.
Dot is home again so I hear. She is silling [silly?]. [If] she doesn't get a place somewhere else she [will?] only ruin herself in them works.
I had a letter from Fred. He said he was in the trenches when he got the parcel so it came alright.
There is one thing you haven't told me that's were the [name] of the cemetery where Charlie was [buried]. Let me no next time you write [another] thing will you send Stanley Green’s address [when] you see Arthur Green he [will] give [it] to you again as I have lost [it].
Mr Wright was [not] long before he snuff it.
You think that will do what I wrote to put in the magazine? I can put anything together when other people does it for me. I am getting a grand scholar now and I [want] a game.
I haven't anymore news to tell you just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
One kiss for Frankie.
Arthur 34
Same address
[not dated; early 1917]
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am alright up to the present.
The ice out hear is 2 foot thick. It's cold but it is healthy weather. You never said anything about Dot. I hope she is getting alright again and please to hear Fred is still keeping alright and is looking alright.
I don't think I got anymore news to tell you just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
Arthur 35
Same address
[not dated; early 1917; before 16th March]
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am alright up to the present.
I had my photo taken and I came out rotten. I tore them in half and throw them on the fire as they was not worth sending.
I have wrote to Fred and [had] an answer back from him. I no it was a long time before I wrote in fact it was the first one I wrote to him since I have been back but still when I do write I do write a letter. He mostly sends a field card.
I get the papers alright. Don't you think we are winning now. Some good news now.
It won't be so long before I become of age now. I can get a key of the old barn door when I am 21.
I said I would try to send you some money home. I am away from headquarters now and I can't make it while I am away. I have been away since I have been back off leaf [leave].
Don't you worry about me. You look after yourself and see you get plenty of tommy [=bread] yourself. I'll get along somehow. Don't send me anything and go without yourself.
[uncertain whether the second sheet is the completion of letter 35]
If I do get a chance of getting a piece of something off of Charlie's grave I will. No doubt I shall before it is all over.
I just say Father is started to do a bit in his garden.
I haven't anymore news to tell you this time.
With best love from your son,
For Frankie.
Arthur 36
Same address
31st March 1917
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am in the best of health.
I didn't get the letter on my birthday it was two days after but still never mind.
You no the two shirts I brought back with me? I never worn them yet. I wished I never brought them now. They would have done all write when I got back home again. I might be able to keep them.
I have seen Cherry Cloughton again. I have spent four nights with him so it has not been so bad. You know it cheers you up a bit when [you] see someone you know. He has gone back to the trenches again now so I might see him again, might be shifted by the time he comes out again.
Mistle [?] is in the same lot but I haven't seen him yet. He is in another village so I haven't seen him.
I had a letter from Annie the same day. You don't want to send anything out if even I want anything. I will write and ask you to send it. I hope I shan't be in want of anything. I got the papers alright.
I suppose Dot is still liveing with you so the letter serves for both. I just say her hair has turn black now. I just say she is chopping potatoes now in her spare time. I think she might dirty her hands.
It has been a rotten month [?] enough to stand it he very had enough of France I often think how lucky I am without having anything [?] or matters with me.
I haven't anymore news to tell you just now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,