Arthur 19
024042 Dr. A. Horsnell
ASC 9th Reserve Park
BEF France
8th July 1916
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was very please to have and glad to hear you are going on alright as I am going on alright up to the present.
I don't think the letters will be stop. If they was going to be stop we would have a week before they were stop so I would right to you at once if they was.
I just say the new potatoes wear [were] alright. I could just about do with a good feed of them but never mind I may be in time to get some of next year’s.
You no there isn't much to say they noes.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
I just say Frankie will earn about a 1/6 [1shilling 6 pence] a day for you while you are fruit picking. Keep smiling.
Arthur 20
024042 Driver A. Horsnell
ASC 9th Reserve Park
BEF France
27th July 1916
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to have and glad to hear that you are getting better now.
We are getting a few storms this last day or two. We wanted some rain as the dust has been awful lately.
I haven't got the parcel yet. I will let you know in the next letter I send you.
I hope Grandmother is going on alright. I just say she is busy digging up the potatoes now.
I just say Mercy often wonders how it is I don't write to her. You no there isn't a lot of time to write. Of course you stand first.
I haven't heard from Fred for some time. I wrote to him about a week ago. I suppose he is like me he doesn't get a lot of time just now.
I just say Percy is going out to work now. I expect him and Frankie I [are] getting some boys. Now there's nothing like enjoying yourself when you get the chance.
How do you [and] Mrs King get on now. I suppose she gets up soon now about ten.
I haven't anymore news to tell you just now.
So goodbye.
Love from [your] son,