Arthur 5
Driver A. Horsnell
ASC No 024042
9th Reserve Park
BEF France
29th September 1915
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your kind letter which I was very please to have and glad to hear you are keeping alright as I am alright up to the present.
Well I am sorry I can't get [a] PC. Means we have shifted but soon as I get the chance to get them I will. We have shifted nearer the line.
It has been raining this last three days. There is a good mess now. I just say I will see somebody with some [postcards] before long.
Will you let me have some more socks but get them as thick as you can get them as the others are so thin and are cold now. You can let Dot get them only tell her to get thick ones. Be sure and take it out of my money. I got a bit only it’s all French. I shan't be able to change it before I come to England.
If you don't mind you can send the Essex paper when you have done with it as it will be something to look at. It will only cost a 1/2 [halfpenny]. I got one 1/2 [halfpenny] stamp which I am putting in the letter what I brought out with me. It's no good to me.
The nights are a bit cold now but I am warm enough when I get into bed. It’s not so bad as being in the trenches now. They [are] sure to feel cold as it's cold enough when we go on guard so I know what it is [like]. We don't go on [guard duty] very often
We had some tobacco from England. It come from a school. It looks good. I am keeping it. If it will keep alright it is in a packet so I don't know how it will keep. I got a PC with it with the address on so I am sending it back to them and thank them for it.
I haven't any more news to tell just now so goodbye.
Love from your son,