Arthur 46
47306 Rfm A. Horsnell
H2 Ward
St Luke’s War Hospital
11th February 1918
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line in answer of your letter which I was please to receive and glad to hear you are going on alright as I am please to tell you I am going on alright up to the present.
I shall be home sometime this month I don't [know] when. We get a sugar ticket when we leave so as it's no trouble to get when we are at home it's 2 ozs [ounces] a day that's 20 ozs [ounces] for the 10 days we are home of course.
We have to buy it a pound. 4 ozs [ounces] is worth getting and they can't refuse you. They are force to give it to you for that 10 days we are home.
Would you send me another 10/- [shillings] sometime this week. I am going to send for another 15 pound [£] this week. I might as well have it as to let them keep it and then I will ask Fred what he wants and then you can send it to him.
I hope Father gets on alright with his new job. Does he come home every night?
How does Dot’s young man get on? She never say anything about him. He might want to be best man at her wedding. What is he a rag and bone merchant or does he stand at the corner of the street selling papers?
Lily told me not to write till she wrote again so I expect she will soon be married.
I think I am all behind but never mind I shan't be so far behind one day. I shall have to see if I can't get a piece of meat on my home [leave?] for a meat pudding. If they won't let me have it I shall have to steal it that’s all. I shall have to go rabbiting dark nights. If we can't get anything they won't starve us while I have to [two] good hands.
I haven't anymore to tell you now.
So goodbye.
Love from your son,
Arthur 47
47306 Rfm A. Horsnell
H2 Ward
St Luke’s War Hospital
25th February 1918
Dear Mother and Father,
Just a line to let you no I am going on alright and hopeing you are doing the same as I should like to know is there anything amiss with Mercy as I haven't heard from her for a long time. I was wondering if she is not very well.
I am afraid I shan't be home this month now but never mind [I will] be home sometime next month. Let's hope it is not before Easter.
Fred must be getting married on the Saturday before Easter Monday. What date is it he is getting married?
Is Lily been married yet? How is Dot’s young man? I heard he had been out with another girl so she will have to look up another young man now.
I haven't anymore to tell you just now. Shall be please to hear from you again.
From your loveing son,
Have you got your butter and meat cards yet?