Fred 57
9th June 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a line or two hoping that you are all quite well. Well I set sail for France on Wednesday morning. There was a chance of getting back to the 7th Batt [Battalion], so I volunteered to go. I shall be far more happier out there with some of the old boys again. Don't worry I shall be alright. I hope the next time I come home it will be for good and the war will be finished. I haven't got a very good opinion of Dover for soldiering, it’s wicked. I hope you received my last letter alright. I haven't met anyone from Hatfield yet. Well I haven't much to write about so will close with best love to all. Goodbye and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 59
7th E. Surrey’s
12th IBD APO S/17
BEF France
16th June 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you know I am in France once again. I am down at [the Base] [censored, but legible] but hope to get back to the [7th Batt] [censored, but legible] again. Isn't the weather cold for the time of the year?
I hope you are all keeping quite well at home. I am fairly well myself. Have you heard from Arthur yet? I hope he is still alright. Give my love to Grandmother and all the rest of them. So now will close with love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 60
24th June 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you know I am now off up the line again with the best of luck. I hope the next time I get to Blighty will be for good.
I hope they are all quite well at home. I am feeling alright myself.
“Cheer up," it will soon be all over. I think we must be the ceasefire draft.
This is all for now. Closing with best love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.

Ever your loving son,

Fred 61
A Company
7th E. Surrey’s
BEF France
27th June 1916
My Dear M & F,
Just a line to let you know I am alright. Hoping you are all the same at home.
The weather is very unsettled out here at present. Have you heard from Arthur lately? I hope he is alright. I suppose Father has started to dig up some of his potatoes.
Well this is all for now. So will say goodbye to all and God bless you.
Ever your loving son,

Fred 62
Somewhere in France
29th June 1916
My Dear M & F,
Many thanks for your most welcome letter which I have just received.
Was glad to hear that you are all quite well and that Father's hand is better, so that he can go to work again.

Glad you heard from Arthur and that he is keeping alright. The weather is very unsettled out here at present.
Well this is all for the present. Give my love to Grandmother and Flo and all of them. So now will close with fondest love to all. Au revoir and God bless you all.
Ever your loving son,